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lundi 14 octobre 2019

Microsoft Office Activate without Any Software.

I) What is Microsoft Office 365:
the thins that yous should know about the Account 
Microsoft office 365 (often called Microsoft 365 or Office 365) is a Web-based version of Microsoft's office suite of enterprise-grade productivity application. Office 365 is delivered to users though the Cloud and includes Exchange online for email, SharePoint Online for collaboration, Lync Online for unified communication, and a suite of Office Web Apps, Web-based version of the traditional Microsoft Office suite of application.

II)Product of Office 365 :
when You Get Your Account you are availble to use multiple service of Microsoft Office 365.

  • Word 
  • Excel 
  • PowerPoint
  • One Note 
  • Outlook
  • OneDrive
  • Skype.
  • and more ....

III) What are  advantages of Office 365 for Users?

  1. Work Anywhere: One of the biggest advantages of Office 365 is the ability to work from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection.This is a very helpful for companies with remote employees, multiple locations and companies with employees who travel often.
  2. Collaborate easily:                                                                                        Everyone who needs to contribute to or edit a document (or spreadsheet, or presentation, etc), can work on the same version (and get real-time changes) rather than working on multiple version that have to be combined. You can also share direct access to your files, rather than send files as attachments. This means people can make changes to one file instead of having multiple copies.
  3. Always Have Access to the Latest Versions of Programs:                                With Office 365, you’ll have access to the latest versions of Office at no additional charge. You’ll get the latest features without having to uninstall and reinstall Office on everyone’s machines.
  4. Mix and Match Plans:                                                                                        There are several different Office 365 business plans available with different programs and features. Not everyone in your company is going to need the exact same thing. You can mix and match plans so you don’t have to pay for more than you need.
  5. Security Features:                                                                                                         This crucial measure keeps sensitive data secure and companies in control over access. No one can use your information without your permission.

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